Located in the center of the Kola Peninsula, the city of Apatity lies between beautiful "Imandra", the largest lake in the Murmansk region, and the Khibiny mountains, whose highest peak, Yudychvumchorr, stands 1200 meters above sea level. Apatity is the second largest city in the Murmansk region, with a population of more than 70,000. Founded in 1966, the city was named for one of its most abundant natural resources, apatite, the raw mineral used in the production of phosphorous mineral fertilizers. Only 16 kilometers separate the city of Apatity from the neighboring city of Kirovsk .
main employers are: Passenger
and freight transport enterprises: Institutions
of higher education, colleges: Hotels: - Museum of Investigation and Development History of the European North
of Russia (International Cultural Centre of KSC RAS); Events:
The city of Apatity has a developed network of shops, restaurants, bars and dance clubs. For more detailed information please contact: